Extended the page on Henry Martyn-Clark

Couple of things to discuss

1. I have added pictures and an interpretation of Henry's farewell Scroll when he left India to return to Edinburgh. This has always been in the family and it feels extremely odd that it is now being published on the internet. (Feels that something that was private has now become public - secret).

It is however not for sale or loan. There is a possibility that it will be preserved. As a historical document it is hugely interesting. I will take better pictures of it but a larger file is available should anyone like a copy. Please email.

2. Thanks for the hits people - there seems to be an increase of interest in this history. I am rather perplexed by the Wikipedia page that has suddenly appeared - I really would like to thank Dr Muhammad Ali (Drali1954) for putting this page up. As he is a member of the Ahmadiyya community it's possible we have met. I am sure we could have an interesting time together - perhaps to meet?

3. Decided to show the photos of Henry's grave here together with my comments. Seems a little appropriate because the page on Henry is about him as a doctor, working and in fact very much alive.

I have visited 3 times. The first time I was on a works trip to the Glasgow and Edinburgh. This was OK. I knew the grave was in the Dean's cemetery but I had no clue where it was. My feet were drawn almost unerringly to the grave. It is quite a long walk to the Deans from where we were parked in the City Centre. Very oddly I got lost approaching the hill on the other side of the main bridge that led there.

The only way to the cemetery was across a locked private park, I would have had to walk round otherwise. There was no time for anything other than a quick recce if I did this.  At that moment an elderly gent appeared asked me my business in a quiet Scottish voice, I quickly explained and he led me through. I crossed the road to the main gates straight on and to the right I was standing in front of the grave. Not especially a believer in divine providence, but convinced I was helped that day! I took some pictures on the old digital I had. These are not the ones.

As I put my hand on the gravestone whispered the thanks and the other things you say at moments like this I felt a distinct tingling in my body. It seemed to say thanks for coming - can't explain it. The times I have revisited done the same thing - but the tingling's gone.

There are no clues on the stone.
I expected some more information,
it seems a little strange to have no other inscription on the stone.
It almost expects it be there.

Henry's wife (Mary Eliza (Emma) Ireland lived on for quite a while longer.
I believe she moved in with her eldest son in Ardentinny and died there ion the 29th of January 1935

Not to far from the path

Quite insignificant, How did I find it?

This view is from just of the path.
The main gates are behind me.

I will revisit, something makes me. My colleague from the Ahmadiyya Community found the grave shortly before me. But he is a better researcher than me!

Got to continue with my research. I will continue posting in any of the blogs.


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